A “Associação Juvenil Potencial Humano – AJPH” hereinafter identified only as “AJPH”, is a non-profit association whose objective is the continuous exercise of sharing knowledge about the physical and mental health of human beings, through lectures and the most varied events correlated with the theme in question. Therefore, ATEMPHAR is a registered trademark and which we name AJPH projects.

In the context of your activity, processes personal data, intending to ensure rigorously, effectiveness and security the protection of all data collected and processed. for the purpose, “AJPH” has prepared this Privacy Policy, also applicable to our website (www.atemphar.pt), for the purpose of informing you of the terms under which this Association collects and processes your personal information in accordance with the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, from 27 april 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation – “GDPR”) and other personal data protection legislation.

The data processing described in this Privacy Policy concerns personal data, namely the subjects who use its products and services (within which, the Symposia, lectures and other events).


This privacy statement applies to Atemphar (no link: atemphar.pt) and to any of the visitors who make use of the information on this website. Se, in your capacity as a visitor, decide to register or submit information to this website, automaticamente aceita o uso desses dados em conformidade com esta declaração de privacidade. É favor tomar nota de que este website contém links para outros websites, que poderão não ser regidos por esta declaração de privacidade.

Caso tenha alguma questão relacionada com esta declaração de privacidade ou considere que os seus interesses não estão abrangidos, por favor enderece essa questão ao webmaster usando o link: Contacts:



O que são dados pessoais?

Dados pessoais são informação, de qualquer natureza e independentemente do respetivo suporte, incluindo som e imagem, relativos a associados, clientes, colaboradores, prestadores de serviços, candidatos a ações de formação, beneficiários de programas promovidos pela “AJPH”, participantes em eventos promovidos pela “AJPH”, colaboradores das empresas incubadas, formadores e formandos, utilizadores do site, entre outros.

A “AJPH” apenas recolhe dados que se mostrem adequados, pertinentes e limitados ao estritamente necessário para a prossecução da prestação dos seus serviços e em consonância com as finalidades para as quais são recolhidos e tratados, bem como para a satisfação de outros interesses legítimos.

São exemplos de dados pessoais, o nome, números e datas de validade de documentos de identificação civil, fiscal ou bancária (e respetivas imagens), dados para pagamento, moradas (correspondência, residência e fiscal), o contacto telefónico, endereço de correio eletrónico, fotografia, assinatura, birth date, gender, nationality and place of birth and others arising from the legal requirements to which “AJPH” is subject.


Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

The “Associação Juvenil Potencial Humano – AJPH” which markets products and/or provides services and ensures access to its various platforms is responsible for processing your personal information, under the GDPR. These data will be stored on a confidential and restricted platform belonging to “AJPH”, these are not used for any other purpose that is not authorized, unless by legal obligation or judicial imposition.

for the purpose, if the holder of the personal data needs to contact the person responsible for the treatment of those, you can do so through the means and contacts indicated:


By letter to the address: Dr Municipal Stadium. Magalhães Pessoa;

Arrabal D´aquêm – Door 2, Floor 1 – Living room 15

2400-137 Leiria

By phone: 911 034 988 (National mobile network call)

By email: potencialhumano@atemphar.org / info@atemphar.pt


Information Collection

as a visitor, you do not need to provide any personal information to use the website.


Use of information
Personal information is used for limited purposes.
We will ensure that our marketing activities comply with applicable law., and we will implement procedures to obtain the necessary consents before sending you emails containing information regarding Atemphar service offerings. He can, any time, request that the sending of such materials be suspended.


If the holder of the personal data needs to contact the person responsible for the treatment of those, you can do so through the means and contacts indicated:

By letter to the address: Dr Municipal Stadium. Magalhães Pessoa;

Arrabal D´aquêm – Door 2, Floor 1 – Living room 15

2400-137 Leiria

By phone: 911 034 988 (National mobile network call)

By email: potencialhumano@atemphar.org / info@atemphar.pt



Information security
We have in place commercially reasonable levels of technology and operational security to protect all information provided by visitors., against loss, misuse, alteration or destruction.



What are the purposes of the processing of personal data?

Generally, the personal data collected by “AJPH” are based on and are intended for the management of members, of the contractual relationship, to the provision of contracted services, the suitability of the services to the needs and interests of the Client/Associate/Volunteer, namely for the purposes of analysis of registration/application to attend training actions and workshops.

Also for communication purposes, namely sending content and information related to courses/workshops (by snail mail or email), issue of training certificates, billing or sending newsletters and invitations.

As long as legally admissible, and complying with applicable requirements, we may also use the data for the purposes of disseminating institutional information about “AJPH” and/or publicizing courses, publications, events related to the activity of “AJPH”, through our communication channels, as well as carrying out evaluation and satisfaction surveys.


Data retention and deletion

Whenever there is no specific legal requirement, personal data remain conserved and stored for the period necessary taking into account the purpose for which the information is processed, being deleted after that period.


Rights of holders of personal data

(I) Right of Access: obtain confirmation of which personal data are being processed as well as obtain a copy of the personal data being processed.

(II) Right of Rectification: request the rectification of your personal data that are inaccurate or request that incomplete personal data be completed;

(III) Right to Delete Personal Data: obtain the deletion of your personal data, provided that there are no valid grounds for their conservation;

(VI) Right of Opposition: opor-se, any time, to data processing, such as in the case of data processing for marketing purposes.

When we process your personal data based on your consent, tem o direito de revogar esse consentimento a qualquer momento. Pedimos-lhe que tenha também em consideração que a revogação do consentimento não afetará a licitude do tratamento anterior à revogação.


Cookies e Web Beacons
To facilitate better navigation within the website, we may use a cookie (small text file stored in the user's browser) or web beacons (electronic images that allow the website to count the number of visitors who accessed a specific page, and to access certain cookies) to collect aggregated information. We may use these features to find information on our systems and identify categories of visitors by item., as IP address, domain, browser type and pages visited. This information is reported to the webmaster who uses the information to analyze the number of visitors to different areas of the site., and to make sure that our website serves as a useful and up-to-date source of information for our visitors..

Our cookies and web beacons do not collect any personal information such as your name or email address.. Most browsers allow users to refuse cookies. Nonetheless, in specific circumstances, visitors may be refused access to certain areas of our website if their browsers are set to refuse cookies.






General conditions for all events

  • In case someone gets hurt in the activities – A associação não se responsabiliza por qualquer dano. Quando existem atividades como por exemplo a de Tai Chi e os Jogos Tradicionais se o participante sofrer algum tipo de lesão, AJPH is not responsible for what happened.
  • Podem existir Workshops Ou Cursos que a associação cria parcerias com os Oradores/Formadores, where there is a cost agreement for the public that adheres as a student and this value is reverted to both according to the agreement.
  • The Speaker does not attend the appointment and in case of absence, AJPH is not responsible for what happened.
  • The speaker offers the lecture in person or online free of charge and in the case of in person, he also offers travel and all the expenses inherent to lectures given by him.
  • In all events we project the email,photograph of the speaker and other elements necessary for the presentation of the speaker on networks and communication channels.
  • The speaker is allowed to publicize his speech, onde ele quiser nos meios de comunicação , as well as resending the lecture email and sms to your contacts.
  • Images and various digital media will be collected at all events. (photo, video, etc). By registering for any event, each Participant grants AJPH the authorization to present and use their image for all purposes related to the dissemination of the ecento, including, entre outros, the presentation on AJPH /ATEMPHAR websites), social network accounts and/or any type of channels.




Changes to the privacy policy

“AJPH” reserves the right to, any time, make changes or updates to this Privacy Policy, these changes being duly updated in the various means of communication belonging to the association.


Visitor Questions
If you have questions regarding your privacy when using this website, please address them to the person in charge, using the link: Contacts:




Privacy Policy was updated on 25 March 2021